Registration is now open, which can be completed via the following link: We hope that you and other planners are able to join us for this year’s event. Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Forum will be hosted via Zoom and will occur over a series of three Thursdays between 11:30 AM and 1:30 PM. The event is free but you must register (confirmation emails will include Zoom links to sessions, the official program and reminders in advance of the three days). Additionally, because the program will be completely online, this year’s Forum will be recorded and available for free downloading via YouTube from the PDAOC website after the Forum is over.
This year’s theme is Planning in 2020: Don’t Stand So Close to Me. Yes, this year’s theme and session titles are based on songs by The Police! Each of the three days will have a different timely focus. Topics include housing and homelessness, dealing with the effects of COVID-19 from both a planning and economic development perspective, public participation in a changing world and ethics, among others.
We hope that you’re able to join us this year for what we hope to be an enlightening, educational and entertaining Forum.