A lively discussion from retired Orange County Planning Directors on the skills and leadership traits every Planning Commissioner can (and should) deliver! Join us for “Tales of the Commission” an exchange geared for Planning Commissioners intent on growing their planning policy and land use tool-box while ethically serving their communities and improving their leadership skills as a Planning Commissioner.
Come listen and discover what Planning Commissioners can actively do to be successful, how to navigate the complexities of the role, earn community trust, and avoid common pitfalls through the lens of those on the other side of the Planning Commission dais. Gain practical insights on what the Planning Commissioner’s role really is and how Commissioners can grow through every study session and public hearing to be a proven leader and effective Commissioner on the dais. Bring your questions and scenarios to hear what our distinguished panel of experts advise since each have served in the trenches and heard/seen it all.
Panelist: Sheri Vander Dussen, AICP, Assistant City Manager and Planning Director, City of Anaheim Ray Pascua, Planning Director, City Placentia Leslie Aranda Roseberry, City of Laguna Niguel Director 4 – TBD
Moderator: Barry Curtis, AICP, Planning Director, City of Costa Mesa
Plus, get an update and further information about the Orange County Planning Officials Leadership Initiative Collaborative (OC-POLIC), a peer-to-peer effort to mentor new and seasoned Commissioners intent on improving their leadership skills and planning policy knowledge and best practices.
Orange County – Planning Officials Leadership Initiative Collaborative leadership committee:
Byron de Arakel, Chair, Costa Mesa Planning Commission Melanie Schlotterbeck, Chair, Brea Planning Commission Eric Nelson, Commissioner and Past Chair, Dana Point Planning Commission